What it takes to become an Animator?

Animation – A brief Flashback

It is mind-blogging when we think about the existence of cartoons or animations and the impact they had on us while growing up. The very first animation you’ve watched or heard about must be the iconic Mickey Mouse but believe it or not, animation and animated characters go back a lot further. The first animated film can be traced back to 1883. And since then, the animation industry is constantly evolving. Today, animator expert is a well-paid job and it is not only limited to the movies. It has spread its wings to gaming, comics, education, and news media.

What is Animation?

It is always easier to understand animation than explaining the term. However, if we break it in layman’s term, then, the animation is the preparation process of designing, drawing, layouts, and sequencing photographs to create an illusion of movement. A person involved in the process is called an animator or animation professional.
