Shravan - The Month Of Fasting & Detox - Foodrik

Shravan coincides with peak monsoon. With monsoon comes the time to grow new crops followed by harvesting during Diwali. The major rain fed crops are bajra, jowar, rice and maize. 
  • Bajra, jowar are power sources of iron
  • Maize is rich in magnesium and zinc
Some typical foods eaten during this time are: 
  • Amaranth /Rajgira dishes like ladoos and chikki, Sago/Sabudana khichdi and tikkis, Yam/Suran dishes
  • Vegetables consumed are bottle gourd (dudhi/lauki), snake gourd (turai), pointed gourd (parwal), yam (suran), bitter gourd (karela), cluster beans (gavar)
Apart from the religious significance associated with lord Shiva, it is a good opportunity to detox the body by having satvikk food and fasting. As monsoons are generally associated with stomach ailments, having simple and light foods keeps you healthy.
